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11 extraordinary team events for hotels

Corporate events and conferences are and will remain a key success factor for your hotel. Your corporate customers are often looking for new ways to surprise and delight their employees or customers. We would like to support you in this.

Kolleg*innen bei der Weiterbildung

These companies already use simulation games for events

Become an indoor event professional for hotels

Especially in autumn and winter, your and our customers are looking for extraordinary events that will be remembered indoors too. The good thing about this information is that you have the location and we have the right indoor event!

Download the folder, which you can also forward to your customers.

We would be happy to advise you and/or your customers on the right concept. With our proven team, we guarantee you exceptionally successful events and satisfied customers. This is what we have stood for for more than 20 years.

11 simulation games for events

Teilnehmer:innen bei der Weiterbildung spielen Heureka

(!) Heureka – The living company

The new core competence in companies: entrepreneurial thinking and action. Turn your teams into co-entrepreneurs.

Eine Führungskraft erklärt Ihren Kolleg*innen etwas

Leadership Lift Off

With more than 20,000 participants, it is the most successful leadership simulation game in Europe. Für jetzige und zukünftige Führungskräfte, Schlüsselpersonen und (agile) Teams im Unternehmen.

Ein Riesenrad im Fort Fantastic

Fort Fantastic

Manage an amusement park and experience the rollercoaster of decisions, processes and collaboration in companies from new perspectives. A dynamic Simulation adaptable to your need and participants.

Mission im Weltraum: Die Erde vom All aus gesehen

Mission in space

They are on a secret mission in space. A great teambuilding-experience. Nun ist effiziente Zusammenarbeit im Team gefragt, um die Situation bestmöglich zu meistern.

Amundsen und Scott: Ein Bild vom Südpol

Amundsen and Scott

A TEAM event of a special kind. The story of the South Pole conquest is a lesson in self-knowledge, planning, leadership and group dynamics!

Legosteine in vielen Farben beim Lego Serious Play


A creative workshop format that shows new ways and stimulates dialogue. For team building, reflection, strategy, Innovation and much more. . .

Das Team kocht: Zubereitung eines Hauptgangs


The perfect change from everyday office life - your team moves into the kitchen. This workshop is ideal as a company event or as a supplement to your conference/training course. 

The best NAVI in the world

Wie tickt mein Team? Nach diesem Workshop see your colleagues probably never the same again! Incl. approx. 23 pages of expertise for each participant.


6 years of research, 150 experts, hundreds of companies, tens of thousands of questionnaires. This workshop is based on one of the largest leadership studies of all time.

Conflicts – mastering difficult conversations

Nobody likes conflicts, but unfortunately they are unavoidable in everyday life. How you deal with them is crucial. Provide your team with the latest know-how.


CHANGE - Das Spiel von Menschen und Veränderung

Understanding the psychology of change. In this simulation game, we don't talk about change, we experience change. Experience the difference.

Your benefits

  • ZYou remain the top contact for your customers and we take care of the work.
  • ZYou have ready-to-use solutions for the customer without the need for much explanation.
  • ZOffer your corporate customers added value.
  • ZAward-winning formats for events and team events
  • ZSummer and winter in your hotel
  • ZIncrease sales in your company through exceptional formats with added value.