Wir sind das Planspielzentrum
Do you already know the simulation game center?
The simulation center was founded in 1993 as a division of kaiblinger+partner, an international training and consulting company, founded by Karl Kaiblinger in Vienna.
The simulation game center specializes in the conception, planning and implementation of simulation games and business simulations. With more than 40 cooperation partners in over 30 countries worldwide, we offer our customers the largest selection for different requirements, target groups and industries in the entire German-speaking region.
Durch die Mitgliedschaften bei SAYSAGA (Society for Simulation Games in the DACH Region) and the BDVT (Professional Association for Training, Consulting and Coaching), we at the Simulation Game Center are always up to date, meaning you benefit from the most current information on the subject of simulation games.
The implementation of our simulation games in customer projects has already received numerous awards. We are particularly pleased to have received the multiple „Oscar of the continuing education scene” and the International German Training Award (BDVT), as the only Austrian company. The simulation center has successfully implemented projects in more than 300 companies and organizations.
The Simulation Center and its mission
The world has changed and with it the learning methods. Why are simulation games the method of choice for our customers? Well, we at the Simulation Game Center know that playing is fun and that learning happens almost incidentally, because our simulation game days promote the creativity and innovation potential of the participants. In a simulation game seminar, real cases from everyday business life are carried out in a risk-free and realistic environment. Topics such as communication, leadership, business administration, teamwork or problem-solving processes can be trained and improved. This is learning business by doing business - or learning that has a lasting effect. This difference pays off for companies after just a short time.
Our business simulations and business games can be carried out in the form of haptic board games or virtually guided online seminars – according to your wishes and plans.
The simulation game center team will be happy to help you implement your project.
European Training Award 2016/2017
The European Training Award recognizes training concepts that stand out due to their clear goal orientation, consideration of participants' interests, and an imaginative, motivating selection of methods. Only training concepts that have been proven to have been implemented successfully for the customer are accepted. Experience character, customer orientation, and sustainability are therefore among the decisive criteria for the award.
We are very pleased that our submitted simulation game project “ZAG – actively shaping the future” for the SENATE OF ECONOMY was awarded silver.
Customers of the simulation center report
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Weitere InformationenTOPSIM simulation game seminars are successfully used at these institutions and companies
Academia Engiadina | adidas AG | Academy of Bavarian Cooperatives | Allianz Germany AG | Alcatel – Lucent Germany AG | Alfred Kärcher Vertriebs-GmbH | ALTE LEIPZIGER-HALLESCHE Group | Working Group for New Education e.V. (ANE) | Atlas Elektronik GmbH | Audi AG | AXA Versicherung AG | Braun Melsungen AG | Baden-Württembergische Bank | UniCredit Bank Austria AG | BASF SE | Bayer AG | Bavarian Insurance Association Versicherungs AG | Behr GmbH & Co. KG | BHF-Bank AG | Bilfinger Berger Facility Services GmbH | Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) | The Boston Consulting Group GmbH | Brahms GmbH | Bridgestone Germany GmbH | Chevron | Clariant Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH | Coca-Cola GmbH Germany | BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH | Commerzbank AG | Continental AG | Controller Akademie AG | Credit Suisse Group | Daimler AG | DATEV e.G. | DB Akademie GmbH | Detecon International GmbH | DEUTSCHE BUNDESBANK | Deutsche Leasing AG | Deutsche Post AG | Deutsche Telekom AG | Deutscher Sparkassen Verlag GmbH | DEVK | DHL Vertriebs GmbH & Co. OHG | Diehl Stiftung & Co. KG | The youth hostels | DIHK e.V. | Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG | E.ON AG | EADS Deutschland GmbH | Edeka Zentrale AG & Co. KG | Erste Group Bank AG | Evonik Steag GmbH | Fischerwerke | Fraport AG | Management Academy Baden-Württemberg | GENO – Academy Stuttgart | Weser-Ems Cooperative Academy | Frankfurt Cooperative Association e.V. | Georg Fischer Automotive AG | GEZE GmbH | Groupama | Danone GmbH | GIZ – Society for International Cooperation | Handelsblatt GmbH | Hapimag AG | HDI-Gerling Lebensversicherung AG | Henkel AG & Co. KGaA | HeidelbergCement AG | Heraeus Holding GmbH | Homag Group AG | UniCredit Bank AG | IBM Deutschland GmbH | IHK Berlin | IHK Bildungshaus Schwaben | IHK Bildungszentrum Dresden gGmbH | IHK Bildungszentrum Südlicher Oberrhein GmbH | IHK Bodensee-Oberschwaben | IHK Nord Westfalen | Institute for Management GmbH (IMAKA) | IME, Institute for Management Development, Bielefeld | Infineon Technologies AG | Institute for Economic Education non-profit GmbH (IÖB) | Jenoptik AG | Jungheinrich AG | K – Mail Order GmbH & Co. KG | KfW Bankengruppe | Knauf Gips KG | Cologne School of Journalism for Politics and Economics e.V. | König & Bauer AG | KPMG Austria | Lufthansa AG | Luzern Tourismus AG | Mærsk A/S | MAHLE GmbH | McKinsey & Company | Merck KgaA | Metro AG | Miele & Cie KG | MIGROS Genossenschaftsbund | MTU Aero Engines GmbHv | Nestlé SA | Lower Austrian Relief Organization | Océ – Nederland B.V. | ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Austrian Post AG | Austrian Savings Banks Academy | PartnerRe | PepsiCo Deutschland GmbH | PNC Financial Services Group, Inc | Deutsche Postbank AG | PricewaterhouseCoopers AG | R+V Versicherung AG | Rhenish-Westphalian Cooperative Association | REWE Austria | RSA Insurance | RWE AG | S.I.C – Consulting Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Vienna | Saint – Gobain Group | SAP AG | Sparkassenakademie Schloß Waldthausen | Schwäbisch Hall AG | Schwarz Pharma AG | Siemens AG | Signal Iduna | Simba Computer Systeme GmbH | SKS Sparkassenstiftung | Sparkassenakademie Bayern | Sparkassenakademie Erfurt | Sparkassenakademie Hanover | Stadtwerke Leipzig GmbH | T.A. Cook & Partner Consultants GmbH | TFA-Trainings- and Weiterbildungsakademie GmbH Neubrandenburg | Thyssen Krupp AG | Trumpf GmbH + Co. KG | TRW Inc. | United HealthCare Services, Inc. | Union – Investment GmbH | Vattenfall Europe AG | VDE e.V. | Vodafone D2 GmbH | Volkswagen Financial Services AG | Vorwerk & Co. KG | VKB Bank | VR Bank Schwäbisch Hall-Crailsheim eG | Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE | Wüstenrot & Württembergische AG | Central Office for Vocational Training in Retail e.V. | ZfU | Zurich Insurance
Schools / Universities
accadis University of Applied Sciences Bad Homburg | AKAD Scientific University of Lahr | AKAD. The Private Universities GmbH | Academy of Bavarian Cooperatives | Academy of Business of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce North Westphalia | Academy for Further Education e.V. | Academy of Trade e.V. | Alanus University gGmbH | Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin | Angermünde Educational Institute e.V. | ASK GmbH | ASW – Saarland Vocational Academy e.V. | Teltow Training Association e. V. – Education Center of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Potsdam | Baden-Württemberg Cooperative Association e.V. | Baltic College GmbH | BBQ Vocational Training gGmbH | University of Wuppertal | Bern University of Applied Sciences – University of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences | Bern University of Applied Sciences Technology and Information Technology | East Frisia Vocational Academy e.V. | Vocational Academies of Saxony | Berlin-Brandenburg Vocational Training Institute e. V. | Frankfurt am Main Vocational Training Institute e.V. | Leipzig Vocational Training Institute non-profit GmbH | BEST-Sabel University Berlin | Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin | Educational Institute of the Lower Saxony Economy non-profit GmbH | Education Center at Müggelsee GmbH | Education Center for Retail | Education Center Kassel GmbH | Education Center kvBL (Reinach location) | Education Center Tannenfelde | Education Center Weinfelden Business | BME Academy GmbH | Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus | Federal Academy of Public Administration | Federal Office for Central Services and Unresolved Property Issues (BADV) | Federal Commercial Academy and Federal Commercial School Bregenz | Federal Commercial School and Commercial Academy | Federal Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture | Campus M21 | CEP L | Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel | Cologne Business School | Delft University of Technology | German Sport University Cologne | German Further Education Company mbH | German Institute for Public Affairs (DIPA) | Fontys University of Applied Sciences | The Media School | DIHK Society for Vocational Training | Donner + Kern non-profit GmbH | Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University | Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Heidenheim | Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Karlsruhe | Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Lörrach | Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Mannheim | Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Mosbach (Bad Mergentheim campus) | Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Mosbach (Heilbronn campus) | Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Ravensburg | Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart | Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Villingen-Schwenningen | EBC Euro-Business-College GmbH (campus: Berlin) | EBC Euro-Business-College GmbH (campus: Düsseldorf) | EBZ Business School GmbH | Ecole d’Ingénieurs | EDUCATIONCENTER BBZ GmbH, Fulda | ESCP Europe | ESMT European School of Management and Technology | ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich | European Academy of Financial Planning GmbH & Co. | European Distance Learning University Hamburg GmbH | European University Viadrina | European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel | F+U Sachsen gGmbH | Nuremberg Academy of Economics | Aachen University of Applied Sciences | Ansbach University of Applied Sciences | Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences (Minden campus) | Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences (study location Gütersloh) | Bingen University of Applied Sciences | Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences | Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences | Diakonie University of Applied Sciences | Meißen University of Applied Sciences North Rhine-Westphalia | bfi Vienna University of Applied Sciences | Dortmund University of Applied Sciences | Erfurt University of Applied Sciences | Flensburg University of Applied Sciences | Frankfurt am Main University of Applied Sciences | University of Applied Sciences for Applied Management | University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration NRW | University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration and Legal Affairs in Bavaria FHVR | University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration, Police and Legal Affairs of the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (FHöVPR) | Potsdam University of Applied Sciences for Sport & Management of the European Sport Academy | University of Applied Sciences for Administration and Services Altenholz | Gießen/Friedberg University of Applied Sciences | Hildesheim-Holzminden-Göttingen University of Applied Sciences HAWK – University of Applied Sciences and Arts | Jena University of Applied Sciences | Joanneum University of Applied Sciences Gesellschaft mbH | Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences (Zweibrücken location) | Carinthia University of Applied Sciences | Kiel University of Applied Sciences | Koblenz University of Applied Sciences | Cologne University of Applied Sciences | Lübeck University of Applied Sciences | Ludwigshafen am Rhein University of Applied Sciences | Mainz University of Applied Sciences | Münster University of Applied Sciences | Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences | University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland | University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria | Potsdam University of Applied Sciences | Salzburg University of Applied Sciences | Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences | Stralsund University of Applied Sciences | South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences | University of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna | Trier University of Applied Sciences | Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences | Wedel University of Applied Sciences | Weihenstephan – Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences | West Coast University of Applied Sciences | Worms University of Applied Sciences | FBD Education Park | Distance Learning University of Switzerland | FernUniversität in Hagen | FH Wien degree programs of the WKW | FITT – Institute for Technology Transfer at the Saarland University of Applied Sciences gGmbH | FOM University of Economics & Management non-profit GmbH | Force4Project GmbH | Frankfurt School of Finance and Management | Free University of Berlin | Georg-Simon-Ohm University of Applied Sciences – Nuremberg University of Applied Sciences | German Graduate School of Management and Law gGmbH | German-Jordanian University (GJU) | Goethe University Frankfurt am Main | Leipzig School of Management gGmbH (HHL) | Commercial School KV Basel | Chamber of Crafts for Lower Franconia | Chamber of Crafts Münster | Chamber of Crafts Region Stuttgart | Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen | HDU University of Applied Sciences Deggendorf | Heidelberg International Business Academy | Helmut Schmidt University – University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg | HeLP – Hessian State Institute for Education | HFH · Hamburger Fern-Hochschule gemeinnützige GmbH | HNE Eberswalde | Aalen University of Applied Sciences – Technology and Economics | Albstadt-Sigmaringen University | Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (Köthen) | Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences | Augsburg University of Applied Sciences | Bochum University of Applied Sciences | Bremen University of Applied Sciences | Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences | Coburg University of Applied Sciences | Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences | University of the Federal Employment Agency | University of the German Federal Bank | Stuttgart Media University | University of Business and Management gGmbH | Emden/Leer University | Esslingen University of Applied Sciences | Fresenius University gGmbH | Fulda University of Applied Sciences | University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (Würzburg location) | University of Applied Languages | Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg) | Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Business (HWZ) | Berlin University of Applied Sciences – HTW Berlin | Leipzig University of Applied Sciences – HTWK Leipzig | Chur University of Applied Sciences | Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences for Economics and the Environment (HfWU) | Hanover University of Applied Sciences | Liechtenstein University of Applied Sciences | Merseburg University of Applied Sciences | Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences – Design, Technology, Economics and Law | Regensburg University of Applied Sciences | Reutlingen University of Applied Sciences | Ulm University of Applied Sciences | Weserbergland University of Applied Sciences | HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration | HSW Freiburg | IHK-Bildungszentrum Cottbus GmbH | IMD International Lausanne | International School of Management (ISM) | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) | KV Luzern | Lomonosov Moscow State University | Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich | Management-Zentrum gGmbH | Nordakademie University of Applied Sciences, Elmshorn | Norwegian Business School BI | Freiburg University of Education | Regional Vocational Training Center of the District of Steinburg (AöR) | Sedo Holding AG | Siemens CKI RWTH Aachen | SRH University of Applied Sciences Calw | Breitenbrunn State Academy of Applied Sciences | Dresden State Academy of Applied Sciences | Glauchau State Academy of Applied Sciences | Leipzig State Academy of Applied Sciences | Plauen State Academy of Applied Sciences | Riesa State Academy of Applied Sciences | Clausthal University of Technology | Dortmund University of Technology | Dresden University of Technology | Ilmenau University of Technology | Munich University of Technology | Bayreuth University | Bremen University | | University of Bayreuth | University of Bremen | University of the German Federal Armed Forces Munich | University of Saarland | University of Duisburg-Essen | University of Erlangen-Nuremberg | University of Hanover | University of Hohenheim | University of Karlsruhe | University of Klagenfurt | University of Leipzig | University of Oldenburg | University of Rostock | University of Stuttgart | University of Tübingen | University of Witten/Herdecke | Westphalian University of Applied Sciences Gelsenkirchen | WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management | WU Vienna University of Economics and Business